Fallout 4 556 Ammo

If you searching to evaluate Fallout 4 Any Mod Any Weapon Any Ammo And Fallout 4 Console Command For 556 Ammo price.

AMMO CODES – fallout 4

The first thing that comes in our mind while playing fallout is Ammunition or ammo. Ammos are very important if you’re attacking a selected area or we can say to achieve the target. Secondly, all the Ammos don’t have weight so we usually don’t avoid collecting ammos except in the survival mode.

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Fallout 4 5.56 Ammo Code

Fallout 4 556 Ammo
  1. Shop for Best Price Fallout 4 Console Command For 556 Ammo And Fallout 4 Minigun Ammo Deathclaw.
  2. Jul 29, 2017 Calibrated Power Receiver, 5.56 ammo conversion - Required Perks: Gun Nut 4 and Rifleman 5 Calibrated Power Automatic Receiver, 5.56 ammo conversion - Required Perks: Gun Nut 4 and Commando 5 Combat Rifle Magazines Drum Magazine - Required Perks: Gun Nut 3 and Commando 3 Quick Eject Drum Magazine - Required Perks: Gun Nut 4 and Commando 4.

Fallout 4 556 Id

5mm Rounds0001F66C
.308 Roundsff00272d
.38 Roundsff003561
.44 Roundsff002685
Alien Blaster Ammoff002339
Flamer Fuelff0015fd
Fusion Cellff001e8a
Gamma Roundsff002843
Plasma Cartridgeff00366b
Railroad Spikesff002979
Cryo Cell0018ABE2