The NeedleBar Guide to
Belvidere, Illinois, USA
Rotary machines. The earliest serial number for a machine in the survey that was confirmed to have a spider is 727368. Whether there is a version of the spider that will fit Standard Rotary machines with a serial number lower than 700000 remains to be discovered. Does anyone know anything about this very old rotary sewing machine. Company is Standard - Serial number is 1271839V. Does it have any historical significance and is there a way to tell the year made and if rare or common? Home Series Serial Numbers Singer Sewing Machine Company Series Serial NumbersSinger Sewing Machine Serial Number Database. Singer Sewing Machine Serial Number Database When was my sewing machine made? What model do I have? Singer has recently pulled some of their dating and identification information from their website. Find the serial number on your sewing machine and write it on a piece of paper. Look for a numbered tag or a stamped number on the outside of your machine. Check the front, back, motor end and the bottom of the machine, in that order.
By Claire Sherwell & Alan Quinn

The names on the following machines are examples of the models offered. National probably produced more badged names than any other company. In particular, identification is sometimes difficult because many different machines across the range were sold under the Eldredge name (after Barnabas Eldredge, founder of National). The following pages attempt to identify the various features of the differently styled models produced by National.
Further details may be found in NeedleBar's Picture Library.
If you have examples not featured or other information please write to the NeedleBar Forum and send pictures to Claire at
Standard Sewing Machine Company Serial Numbers Number

Dating information is being collected by Annie Kusilek who may also be contacted in the NeedleBar Forum. Xf-adsk64 autocad 2014.
Click on the links below for information about identifying National sewing machines:
National Vibrating Shuttle Machines
National Rotary Machines

The National pages are still under construction
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