Bloodlines Games General Discussion
A forum for those playing Bloodlines to talk about what they've encountered, compare notes and help each other out with quests etc. WARNING: This forum will contain spoilers from all stages of the game so browsers beware!
The Nosferatu Warrens is a location in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. They are a series of mazes in the Hollywood Sewers. Until the fledgling's eradication of them, they were populated by strange, Vicissitude -produced creatures put together by Andrei, a Sabbat leader.
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- That being told, I have confirmed that in the patch I'm playing (3.5, unofficial, I believe) celerity won't get you through the fan. And by that time I had the fifth level, being a favorite of mine. Then again, swimming is a littly buggy on my version, the character always swims with a single animation, and getting out of water is a real ordeal.
- Missing Data is a quest available in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. 1 Walkthrough 2 Quest Log 3 Notes 4 Navigation After you've located the Nosferatu base, go back to your haven and you'll find an email from Bertram saying he wants to talk to you. Go to his hideout in Santa Monica and he'll give you this quest. Now travel back to the Nosferatu Warrens (through the entrance in the.
- Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. However, after you pass thru the first part of the warrens though, a door to the outside world should be available (its in an underground office with a map on the wall and a report/newspaper about missing people in the sewers iirc). If you find that place via the sewers from the outside, you might be.
- Hollywood is a location in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. 1 Profile 2 Locations 3 Residents 4 Quests 4.1 Main Quests 4.2 Side Quests 5 Maps 6 Navigation Hollywood is run by the Anarch Baron Isaac Abrams, a Toreador film producer who owns a jewelry store as a front. Many Anarch Kindred seek solace within Hollywood's confines. It has two clubs, both of them owned by Kindred: Asp Hole is.
Last post by Happydeathclaw
in Re: Which Histories are ...
on December 09, 2020, 04:44:01 pm
Für die deutschsprachigen Fans von Bloodlines!
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in Re: Inoffizieller deutsc...
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Для русскоговорящих поклонников Bloodlines!
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in Re: Баг-репорты, проблем...
on November 23, 2020, 12:39:29 pm
Are you having trouble with the game? Post your problem here and someone might be able to help you. This forum is provided as an 'as is' service and PlanetVampire takes no responsibility for bad things that might come from following someone else's advice.
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in Re: Unofficial Patch 10....
on November 28, 2020, 11:40:05 pm
Discussions about mods and the game's nuts and bolts. Also post your Bloodlines/Vampire related fan works here. Artwork, fiction, music, videos, interactive stories... whatever you want to share.
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in Re: Replacing Malkavian ...
on December 08, 2020, 12:36:52 am
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Cheats
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