Remington Model 7400, 740, 74 & 4 All parts listed in this category are specific to the Remington Model 7400, 740, 74 & 4 Rifles unless otherwise noted. It is recommended that all parts be fit by a qualified gunsmith. 1978-New series of serial numbers started on 1-3-78 for 760's starting at B 7,400,000. New serial number range for 742's starting at B 6,000,000 1981-Model 760 ADL and BDL designations replaced with 7600 with straight comb stock and impressed checkering. Bolts were changed from 14 small locking lugs to 4 larger locking lugs. Remington Model 700 Serial Number Lookup: A serial number is printed on the receiver of each Remington rifle or shotgun, provided it's a newer model. Serial numbers were not a requirement until 1968, so older firearms may not have serial numbers. You can still use the two-letter code on the barrel. Dec 29, 2009 Archive Serial # range for 40x's? The Model 742 serial number sequence was changed on November 26, 1968 as a result of the 1968 Gun Control Act that required no two guns from the same manufacturer have the same serial number. The initial Model 742 serial number sequence began at 1001 and ended at 396562. The new serial number sequence, now shared with the Model 760 pump-action.
Only use ammunition designated on the barrel. longer.The Remington Premier Accutip Bonded Sabot Slug is the ultimate in long range sabot slug hunting.Any choke tube that is manufactured from high-quality steel, such as stainless, should be acceptable for use with Hevi-Shot or Wingmaster HD. After production of the Remington 2020 Digital Optic Systems began, an issue with the programming in the charging cradle was found that would
We've always offered a line of left-hand guns, and the tradition continues today.
The gas cylinders are welded in slightly different locations. For replacement barrels for older model shotguns, you may want to check with The Model 1100 and Model 11-87 barrels are NOT interchangeable. The Model 7 base interchanges with the Modle XR-100.Brownell's offers a variety of bases. Its strong synthetic receiver is topped with a grooved scope-mounting rail, and the barrel is equipped with adjustable, Also, no larger than #2 should be used in the Full choke.Tighter chokes than .665” do not improve pattern percentages to any extent, and in fact, begin to produce more open patterns.Hevi-Shot can produce cosmetic rub marks in barrels and chokes, simply a change in surface finish.
We no longer have parts for the Express Gun Cabinet.The R3 recoil pad that we sell as a separate part, is not interchangeable with our youth model stocks.
allow the firing pin to strike the edge of the chamber area causing possible damage.Twist imparts spin on a bullet which dramatically improves its stability in flight. I also participate in REAGO, which provides Tactical Combat Casualty Care training. For models without a serial number, we may be able to determine the age by the 2-3 letters that are stamped on the barrel. The barrel code is a series of 2-3 letters The fourth digit This item remains in current 2009 inventory. There are no date codes. center or the factory by ANYONE, they will refuse to work on it as an unsafe *Please note that Remington repeats the alphabet approximately every 26 years, therefore … An unintentional or uncontrolled discharge of your firearm may cause property damage, personal injury and/or death.Didn't find the answer you were looking for above? choke (.718”) produced an average of 70%, considered to be the industry standard pattern density for “full” choke.Remington's Wingmaster HD extended Turkey choke tube has been optimized with this 0.675” diameter to consistently produce incredible 94% patterns.Many large deer populations exist in areas where civilization and the countryside intersect.
It is a combination of velocity and shot charge weight that cycle an autoloading shotgun. One version was simply a white sticker with the number 2 hand-written on it. You may wish to contact Sims Vibration Laboratories at 1-877-257-2761 or The first production run of the new RP9 Pistol includes a press-fit rear sight that was initially produced with a threaded set screw hole (size 8-32) to help hold the sight in place.
Over an equal number of rounds, this rubbing is similar to that experienced with steel shot.
You will often find model 700s to have a 5, 4, or 3-round internal magazine. gun case) until it has
We do offer the Model 1100 Sporting, lower charge weight listed in the nominal range and increasing in 5 grain increments until an optimum load is achieved. New serial number range for 742's starting at B 6,000,000 1981--Model 760 ADL and BDL designations replaced with 7600 with straight comb stock and impressed checkering . An optimum load is one which produces the best accuracy.We recommend the use of either 209 PSTS or the 209 PSTSB primers.For more information regarding reloading, please check your current reloading manual and powder companies.Yes.
Previous to 2004, there was a front sight base held by two screws and the dovetail front sight tapped into the base.
If you are looking for more information about your particular Remington firearms, then the serial number can give you some useful insight into the date of manufacture of your specific gun. The I.C.
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When was my rifle made?
After 1921, Remington employed a “date code” system which consists of a series of letters identifying the month and year of manufacture. This date code is typically 2-3 letters hand stamped on the jacket head (refer to the photograph below for location). The first letter in the code represents the month, the second (and sometimes third) letter represents the year. It is not uncommon for these letters to be stamped sideways.
When a rifle was returned to Remington for a repair, the factory would stamp a repair code. These codes read the same as the date code, but were followed by a “3”. It is not uncommon to find the “3” stamped backwards. For those rifles manufactured prior to 1921, rifles not found with a date code, or rifles found with ONLY a repair code, these will be dated best by using the serial number list at the bottom of the page.
Determining month of manufacture (FIRST LETTER)
B – January
L – February
A – March
C – April
K – May
P – June
O – July
W – August
D – September
E – October
R – November
X – December
Determining year of manufacture (SECOND AND/OR THIRD LETTERS),
M – 1921 D – 1935
N – 1922 E – 1936
P– 1923 F – 1937
R – 1924 G – 1938
S – 1925 H – 1939
T – 1926 J – 1940
U – 1927 K – 1941
W – 1928 L – 1942
X – 1929 MM – 1943
Y – 1930 NN – 1944
Z – 1931 PP – 1945
A – 1932 RR – 1946
B – 1933 SS – 1947
C – 1934 TT – 1948
UU – 1949 WW – 1950
These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 8
Year – Serial – Total
1906~2266 2266
1907~7754 5488
1908~12439 4685
1909~17168 4729
1910~21889 4721
1911~26489 4600
1912~30063 3574
1913~33041 2978
Remington 7400 Serial Number Lookup Model
1914~35187 2146
1915~36938 1751
1916~38469 1711
1917~39918 1449
1918~40917 999
1919~42009 1092
1920~44825 2816
1921~45938 1113
1922~47297 1359
1923~48826 1529
1924~50136 1310
1925~51519 1383
1926~53160 1641
1927~55878 2718
1928~58741 2863
1929~61467 2726
1930~64024 2557
1931~65465 1441
1932~66360 895
1933~66867 507
1934~67676 809
1935~68841 1165
1936~69581 1010

1937~69485 96
1938~69488 3
1939~69490 2
* Despite these production totals, rifles as high as 69929 have been observed
These are the last serial numbers for each year of production for the Model 81
Year – Serial – Total
1936~1675 1675
1937~4895 3220
Ipad Serial Number Lookup
1938~6862 1967
1939~8872 2010
1940~12623 3751
1941~17748 5125
1942~21575 3827
1943~21579 4
1944~21694 115
1945~23809 2115
1946~30525 6716
1947~37104 6579
1948~43778 6674
1949~51187 7409
1950~55581 4394
* Despite these production totals, rifles as high as 57949 have been observed