How to Run: Call of Cthulhu (Note: Originally written by somebody from who didn't sign in, and posted to the Talk page for How to Run. Moved here and Wikified by Lord Knockwood the Mad 21:57, 15 November 2005 (PST)) Rule The First: Know Your Mythos. Call of Cthulhu, the official videogame inspired by Chaosium's classic pen and paper RPG, brings you deep into a world of creeping madness and shrouded Old Gods within Lovecraft's iconic universe. Private Investigator Pierce is sent to look into the tragic death of the Hawkins family on the isolated Darkwater Island. Soon enough, Pierce. Maps for Call of cthulhu Welcome! The Cartographers’ Guild is a forum created by and for map makers and aficionados, a place where every aspect of cartography can be admired, examined, learned, and discussed.
The Dhole's House is a free 'online toolkit' for both Keepers and players of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, developed by long-time fan Lee Carnell.
Members can create investigators that are fully compatible with Call of Cthulhu 7th edition and print off a PDF character sheet, all in a matter of minutes. All Investigators are saved and can be updated via the 'Character Control Panel' as the campaign unfolds.
Call Of Cthulhu Character Sheet Online
Site members can also contribute to a Character Library, allowing anyone to download PDF character sheets for Call of Cthulhu investigators for use as PCs or NPC's. The Library is searchable by occupation and gender.
The Keeper section of the Library includes a handout generator for quick creation of in-game artefacts including three different types of telegram, visiting/business cards, newspaper clippings and calendars.
Descargar firmware proton sapphire hd. Full rules for creating unique characters for.Call of Cthulhu. which will be of benefit to players and Keepers alike. This includes a narrative explanation behind each of the core characteristics, a 1920s character name generator, and an in-depth example of character creation to guide you as you craft your very own investigator.
Go to to try out the investigator generator and toolkit.
Call Of Cthulhu Monster Generator
The Call of Cthulhu
Equipment and Services
All costs represent an average price and are subject to fluctuation due to availability and demand. Consult with the keeper before any purchase.
Clothing |
Men’s Clothing | Women’s Clothing |
Tailored Prince Albert Suit ($25.00) | Tailored Bolero Shirt ($25.00) |
Clerical or Professional Suit ($18.00) | French Silk Wrapper ($11.00) |
Clay Worsted Dress Suit ($12.50) | Chelsea Cloth Wrapper ($1.75) |
Vicuna Cheviot Dress Suit ($6.50) | Silk Shirt Waist ($2.25) |
Oxford Bicycle Suit ($3.25) | Silk Taffetta Moire Skirt ($9.50) |
Mackintosh Rain Coat ($6.98) | Full Sweep Satin Cape ($8.00) |
All-Wool Spring Overcoat ($9.45) | Kid Button Boots ($5.00) |
Satin Smoking Jacket ($5.95) | Cloth-Top Lace-Up Shoes ($2.70) |
Needle-Toe Dress Shoes ($2.95) | Bon Ton Rose Foliage Hat ($3.50) |
Fancy Silk Vest (50¢) | Untrimmed Napoleon Hat (75¢) |
French Percale Shirt (95¢) | French Narrow-Waist Corset ($1.89) |
Lace-Front Wool Sweater ($1.50) | Muslin Camisole (78¢) |
Felt Top Hat (95¢) | China Silk Parasol ($2.35) |
Straw “Boater” Hat (75¢) | Reticule (Lady’s Handbag) (98¢) |
Deerstalker Hat (45¢) | Four-Button Kid Gloves ($1.29) |
Silk Windsor Tie (55¢) | Reversible Beaver Shawl ($3.95) |
Gentleman’s Cane (75¢) | Chantilly Lace Collar ($2.25) |
Flannel Night Shirt (98¢) |
Embroidered Suspenders (55¢) |
Communication |
Telegram | Messenger |
for 12 words (12¢) | per mile (4¢) |
per additional word (+1¢) | per hour (8¢) |
international, per word ($1.00) |
Telegraph Outfit ($3.00) |
Postage | Long Distance Telephone ($7.00) |
to 1 ounce (2¢) |
to 2 ounces (+1¢) | Newspaper (2¢) |
each additional 2 ounces (+1¢) |
Entertainment |
Theater Tickets | Upright Cabinet Piano ($189.00) |
Standing (75¢) | Concert Violin with Case ($36.55) |
Seated ($3.00) | Graphophone Outfit ($35.00) |
Box ($7.50) | Graphophone Record (55¢) |
Magic Lantern ($9.50) |
Music Hall Ticket ($1.50) |
Vaudeville Ticket (50¢) | Hand Camera ($14.40) |
Film (48 exposures) ($2.85) |
Spirits | View Camera with Tripod ($29.75) |
Cocktail (20¢) | 12 Dry Photographic Plates (50¢) |
Fine Wine (bottle) ($1.75) | Complete Darkroom Outfit ($98.00) |
Ale (5¢) |
Whiskey (glass) (6¢) |
Whiskey (bottle) ($1.00) |
Lodging & Dining |
Hotels | House (rent per year) ($600.00 |
Good (per night) ($5.00+) | Apartment (rent per week) ($3.50) |
Average (per night) ($2.00) |
Average (per week with service) ($10.00) | Meals |
Breakfast (25¢) |
Common Lodging (per night) | Lunch (50¢) |
Double Bed (20¢) | Dinner ($1.00) |
Single Bed (10¢) |
Rope Lean-To (5¢) |
Medical Equipment |
Medical Valise ($1.10) | Hickory Crutches ($4.00) |
Forceps (75¢) | Nerve and Brain Pills (88¢) |
Hypodermic Syringes ($2.75) | Laudanum, 4 oz. (tinct. opium) (28¢) |
Electro Medical Battery ($5.75) | Paregoric, 4 oz. (18¢) |
Surgeon’s Instrument Set ($20.00) | Liquor Habit Cure, 24 doses (50¢) |
Elastic Bandage (3×15 inches) ($1.15) | Peruvian Wine of Coca, 16 oz. (95¢) |
Outdoor & Travel Gear |
Camping Equipment | Luggage |
Camp Cooking Kit ($6.50) | Kit Bag (20″ × 27″) ($1.20) |
Mexican Woven Hammock ($1.59) | Leather Gladstone Bag (8 lbs) ($2.50) |
Folding Canvas Boat, 10 ft. ($24.00) | Packing Trunk (40 lbs) ($3.95) |
Wool Blanket (89¢) | Full Size Trunk (85 lbs) ($5.95) |
U.S. Folding Cot ($5.95) |
Reflecting Lamp ($2.59) | Tents |
Arctic Sleeping Bag ($13.00) | 7 × 7 ft A-Frame Tent ($3.65) |
Kerosene Tent Heater ($6.50) | 12 × 12 ft Miners’ Tent ($5.80) |
Camp Stool (55¢) | 16 × 24 ft Wall Tent ($22.70) |
Spy Glass ($15.00) | 24 × 30 ft Tarpaulin ($20.25) |
Deer-Foot Hunting Knife ($1.50) |
Two-Blade Pocket Knife (65¢) | Tin Canteen (24¢) |
Fishing Tackle and Lures ($8.98) | 5 Gallon Steel Tank ($2.89) |
Steel Jaw Animal Trap ($1.20) | Wooden Barrel, 50 gallons ($3.25) |
Dark Lantern ($1.15) |
Match Safes, per doz. (40¢) |
Jute Rope, per lb (18¢) |
Tools |
Hand Saw (50¢) | Claw Hammer (75¢) |
Bit Brace (plus bits) ($1.10) | Hatchet (45¢) |
Pliers (45¢) | Combination Vise ($7.50) |
Carving Tools (82¢) | Sharpening Stone (30¢) |
Gasoline Blowtorch ($3.00) | Oak Frame Grindstone ($2.25) |
Wood Axe ($3.00) |
Transport |
Horses and Horse-Drawn Vehicles | Train Fares |
Riding Horse ($50.00) | 50 Miles (85¢) |
Draft Horse ($20.00) | 100 Miles ($1.50) |
Saddle ($10.25) | 500 Miles ($5.00) |
Bridle ($2.40) |
Top Buggy (2 seats) ($65.00) | Sea Voyage (U.S./England) |
Canopy Surrey (4 seats) ($80.00) | First Class (one-way) ($75.00) |
Canopy Carriage (4 seats) ($175.00) | First Class (round trip) ($110.00) |
Farm Wagon (2 seats) ($45.00) | Steerage ($20.00) |
Stable Fee (25¢ per day) |
Single Harness ($16.50) | River Steamer Fare, local trip (10¢) |
Double Harness ($22.40) | Bicycle ($43.00) |
Draft Harness ($18.00) |
Weapons |
Hand-to-Hand | Shotguns |
Sword Cane ($10.00) | 20-Gauge ($25.00) |
Rapier/Heavy Epee ($6.00) | 16-Gauge ($30.00) |
Cavalier Sabre ($15.00) | 12-Gauge ($30.00) |
Blackjack (60¢) | 10-Gauge ($35.00) |
Bullwhip ($2.00) |
Machine Gun |
Handguns | Model 1882 Gatling Gun ($1,000.00) |
.25 Derringer ($4.00) |
.32 Revolver ($6.00) | Miscellaneous |
.38 Revolver ($8.00) | Signal Pistol (Flare Gun) ($10.00) |
.41 Revolver ($20.00) | Dynamite Stick ($1.00) |
.45 Revolver ($10.00) |
Rifles |
.22 Bolt-Action Rifle ($10.00) |
.32 Lever-Action Carbine ($12.00) |
.45 Martini Heavy Rifle ($15.00) |
Col. Moran’s Air Rifle ($20.00) |
.303 Lee-Enfield ($25.00) |
.30-06 Bolt-Action Rifle ($30.00) |
Elephant Gun ($100.00) |
Ammunition |
.22 Long Rifle (box of 100) (30¢) | .38 Extra Long (box of 100) ($1.67) |
.25 Winchester (box of 100) (70¢) | .41 Short Round (box of 100) (72¢) |
.25-20 Marlin (box of 100) ($1.10) | .44 Smokeless (box of 100) ($2.35) |
.30 Short Round (box of 100) (44¢) | .45 Colt Army (box of 100) ($2.98) |
.30-30 U.S. Army (box of 100) ($4.25) | 10-Guage Shell (box of 25) ($1.76) |
.32 Short Round (box of 100) (80¢) | 12-Guage Shell (box of 25) ($1.18) |
.32 Long Colt (box of 100) (88¢) | 16-Guage Shell (box of 25) ($1.32) |
.38 Short Round (box of 100) (98¢) | 20-Guage Shell (box of 25) ($1.15) |
Miscellaneous |
College Tuition (semester) ($190.00) | False Beard (ventilated) ($1.75) |
Professional Microscope ($39.00) | Fencing Foil (per pair) ($1.35) |
Pocket Compass ($3.00) | Cheroot Cigars (250 cigars) ($3.65) |
Aneroid Barometer ($5.50) | World Atlas ($5.00) |
Dog Power Sawing Machine ($15.00) | 30 volume Encyclopedia ($25.00) |
Fountain Pen (12¢) | Sewing Kit ($1.18) |
Ink (2 oz.) (42¢) | Stereoscope with Views ($2.25) |
Writing Tablet (4¢) | Toothbrush (5¢) |
Sewing Machine ($13.50) | Shaving Razor ($1.25) |
Full Toupee ($15.00) |

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